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Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.

Posted by • Enviado por Zummie1954 
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Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 06:10PM
So the news story on the radio said that in Montreal dogs must either be leashed or be able to obey "voice commands" (no big deal so far, we have the same law in many Florida cities). The kicker was that this Canadian City's law said that those dogs must be able to obey voice commands in BOTH English and French. How cool is that.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 06:14PM
That was a hoax. A good one though. it was not the famous Pierre Poutine either.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 06:14PM
In addition to the above two languages my Canuck mutt also understands Spanish!
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 06:41PM
Hey ! That is a satirical program run by CBC - There is absolutely no foundation to this ridiculous report.

I personally dislike (no, rather HATE) that program.

The creators of this weekly show are probably very happy to have fooled so many people and their story lines are presented in such a manner that it is too easy to believe what is being said especially to someone who does not know Canada or is simply misinformed. But what they are doing is, week after week, spreading a whole bunch of falsehoods that too many can believe and the country (Canada) looks foolish in the process.

CBC, a crown corporation using public money, is spreading out right lies. It is tantamount to slanderous to the country and could even be qualified as non patriotic. Funny to some, outlandish to others but the fact is that too many people believe their weekly lies and are never directed to the truth.

Shame on CBC.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2012 07:30PM by biddnnow.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 06:44PM
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 07:19PM
Hey, don't knock Zummie, at least he's not selling something or advertising some restaurant.:)
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 07:49PM
"But what they are doing is, week after week, spreading a whole bunch of falsehoods that too many can believe and the country (Canada) looks foolish in the process."...."It is tantamount to slanderous to the country and could even be qualified as non patriotic. Funny to some, outlandish to others but the fact is that too many people believe their weekly lies and are never directed to the truth."

Anyone so dumb as to be taken in by the parodies and sophisticated humour of this very funny show would be hard pressed to recognize the truth anyway.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 07:56PM
Anyone so dumb as to be taken in by the parodies and sophisticated humour of this very funny show would be hard pressed to recognize the truth anyway.

I couldn't have said it better Dan.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 07:58PM
What's funny is how serious some folks are! OMG Even more fun was the next story on the page Zummie linked to; Stolen maple syrup, oh my! Talk about a national emergency! Why ruin a perfectly good story with the truth anyway? Rojo
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 19, 2012 09:00PM
CBC, a crown corporation using public money, is spreading out right lies. It is tantamount to slanderous to the country and could even be qualified as non patriotic. Funny to some, outlandish to others but the fact is that too many people believe their weekly lies and are never directed to the truth


We do the same on TZ for the love of our fellow beings. We don't need no stinkin government.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 04:36AM
I loved that maple Syrup hiest story Red. The stuff is liquid gold! How Canadian can a crime story get? And, of course the Canadian cop always gets his man. Whew, it was thought there could be a worldwide shortage over that hiest.

In keeping an eye on Canadian news I am surprised to learn that we have so much corruption, civil unrest, the natives are still restless, the politicos still stumbling butt now, I can read a story, and then rant any comment about anybody and get published. What a win situation for me as I get to hone my sarcasm all I want.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 05:54AM
Should dogs in Montreal be required to learn both official languages in order to be in public parks?

Take the poll here

___ OUI


Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 06:23AM
i think most already are bilingual Zummie.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 07:01AM
The Maple syrup heist was a multi million dollar robbery. So, even if it was sweet it was still grand theft. And "this is that" type of reporting only dilutes the severity of the real bad things that happen.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 07:13AM
I thought that hoaxes were not allowed anymore after that British nurse killed herself after falling for that Australian DJ gag ?
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 07:18AM
I forgot to vote. I say OUI.

English speaking students are forced to study French. Same for French speaking students. Why not dogs? Why not a monkee from Winnipeg? Montreal's new mayor is anglophone and check out the language of Toronto's mayor who got fired butt won"t leave!


(Please note tha CBC is a full radio and television media service owned by the Government of Canada and therefore controlled by five major media who are controlled by 5 major banks who already have most of our loot)
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 07:54AM
Zummie: We Canucks have been getting bad press since our government started leaving senior citizens to die on ice-floes in the Arctic. I didn't totally agree with that approach, but it did apply to both French and English seniors.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 10:21AM
Scott: that might expain why there are so many old Canadians hanging out down here...they escaped before the government caught them, or the ice drifted south?
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 03:47PM

ScottM Wrote:
> Zummie: We Canucks have been getting bad press
> since our government started leaving senior
> citizens to die on ice-floes in the Arctic. I
> didn't totally agree with that approach, but it
> did apply to both French and English seniors.

I never knew this and to think so many say that Canadians "are so nice". Must be a diversionary tactic. It all makes sense with their Universal Health care though, seniors are very expensive. We do get a lot of Canadians here in Florida but they are hard to spot since they mostly just try to pass as real Americans.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2012 03:49PM by Zummie1954.
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 04:05PM
The Canadians should be easy to spot Zummie.

They are the ones who don't scream and shout at the waiters, and who say please, and thank you.

You know, the ones who are guests in your country, and actually behave as guests.

Cheers, del Sol
Re: Mexico should learn something from their Canadian friends.
December 20, 2012 04:09PM
What is a real American...you would have to be schizoid in orfderc to emulate a real American.
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