Tentatively the night parade which kicks of the Cabalgata should be the 8th Feb. Dan Website - [www.flipflopnomads.com] Email - info@flipflopnomads.com
Hello it starts on a Friday, so it will either be on Feb 2nd or the 9th. The Festivities are in honor of San Felipe de Jesus which is the pratron against earthquakes and fires. The day of San Felipe de Jesus is on February 5th. They try to start around that day and on a friday, that is why every year it changes. Saludos! [www.AdmireMexicoTours.com] AdmireMexicoTours@hotmail.com THE LOCAL EXPERTS Follow us on Facebook: Admire Mexico Tours DMC Follow our blog: [AdmireMexicoTours.blogspot.com] Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2017 11:03AM by Comala Host.
Yeah, that was a typo by me. The cabalgata nocturna is on Friday 9th Feb. The Ceballos is full btw. Dan Website - [www.flipflopnomads.com] Email - info@flipflopnomads.com Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.