![]() 1st Colima/Comala Bird Count (Audubon Christmas Bird Count) Date: Saturday, January 2nd, 2016 Place: Comala`s Main Square Time: 6:30AM What to bring: Binoculars No bright clothing Lunch Water Camara Pencil and paper to register spotted birds. More info at these cel phones: From the costa alegre you have to dial 045+ from Colima or Comala 044+ and if you have a mexican cel phone you dail direct 312 142 2965 312 101 7323 [www.AdmireMexicoTours.com] AdmireMexicoTours@hotmail.com THE LOCAL EXPERTS Follow us on Facebook: Admire Mexico Tours DMC Follow our blog: [AdmireMexicoTours.blogspot.com] ![]()
Hello I am not leading this activity that is why you need to call the people on the celphone provided for more info. In regards to your questions: a) I am not sure but I think it is a 10km circle. b) There will be several field parties. c) It will be regestered for the National Audubon. Saludos from Comala. Jupiter [www.AdmireMexicoTours.com] AdmireMexicoTours@hotmail.com THE LOCAL EXPERTS Follow us on Facebook: Admire Mexico Tours DMC Follow our blog: [AdmireMexicoTours.blogspot.com] ![]()
Today there will be a talk about Birds in the volcano area with speaker Oveth Fuentes who is one of the leaders for this project. It will be at 8:00pm at the Juan Rulfo Auditorium located where the botaneros are. No admission. Saludos! [www.AdmireMexicoTours.com] AdmireMexicoTours@hotmail.com THE LOCAL EXPERTS Follow us on Facebook: Admire Mexico Tours DMC Follow our blog: [AdmireMexicoTours.blogspot.com] ![]()
I would like to add that this was organized almost entirely by several young Mexican birders who put a lot of effort into setting it up. Many Mexico counts are run by Nortes but this shows that we have very knowledgeable and dedicated people right here. I also know that with experience this count can expect many more than 103 species. Thanks also to Comala Host for making myself and others aware of this! Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.