General Beverages Soup Meats |
Poultry Seafood How Done? How Prepared? |
Spices Vegetables Fruits Nuts |
Grains Egg Dairy Products Dessert |
General | |
buen provecho![]() | enjoy your meal, bon appetite |
botella  f | bottle |
cazuela  f | casserole dish, pot |
cenar | to have dinner |
chico/a | small |
comedor  m | dining room |
comer | to eat |
comida corrida | daily special |
comida  f | meal |
cuchara  f | spoon |
cuchillo  m | knife |
cuenta  f | check |
fonda | eating stall |
lonchería, comedor | restaurant-basic |
margarina | margarine |
matamosca | flyswatter |
menú  m | menu |
parilla  f | grill |
pedazo  m | piece |
popote | straw |
remojarse | to soak |
se remojan | soak them |
sartén  m | frying pan |
servilleta  f | napkin |
taza  f | cup |
tenedor  m | fork |
vaso  m | glass |
Bebidas  f |
Beverages |
agua  m ![]() | water or flavored water |
atole | (mud) cornmeal, water, sugar, etc. |
cafe de olla | ? |
café  m | coffee |
cervesa  f | beer |
esquimale | fruit milkshake |
fría, helada | cold |
jugo  m | juice |
leche  f | milk |
licuado | blended fruit drink |
limonada  f | limeade |
pinole | ground, toasted corn, water, sugar, cinnimon |
refresco | soft drink |
té  m | tea |
Sopa  f, |
Soup |
aguada![]() | wet |
consomé | broth |
fideos  m | noodles |
guisado  m, | stew |
caldo de olla, | |
puchero, | |
estofado de ~ | stew |
seca | dry |
Carnes  f |
Meats |
adobado  m![]() | pickled meat |
albóndiga  f | meatball |
barbacoa | slow-cooked meat |
bistec  m | steak |
cabesitas | ? |
cabrón  m, cabrito | goat |
cadera  f | hip |
carne de chango | cured ham |
carne machaca | cured, dried meat |
carne molida, pulpa | ground meat |
carnero  m | mutton |
cebo  f | animal food, bait |
cecina  f | salted, dried meat; corned beaf |
chicharrónes  m | pig skins |
chorizo  m | pork sausage |
chuleta  f | chop, cutlet |
cochinita pibil | barbecued pig |
coneja  f | rabbit |
corazón  m | heart |
costilla  f | rib |
higado encebollado | liver with onions |
jamón  m | ham |
lengua  f | tongue |
lomo  m, lomito | tenderloin |
longaniza  f | pork sausage |
medula  f | marrow |
mondongo de sangre | fried blood |
mondongo  m | intestines |
paleta  f | shoulder-blade |
patas de puerco | pig's feet |
pecho  m | breast |
pierna  f | leg |
puerco  f, carnitas  f, carne de cerdo | pork |
queso de puerco | head cheese |
res, carne de res | beef |
riñón  m | kidney |
sesos  m | brains |
salpicón  m | chopped cold meat |
ternera  f | veal |
tocino  m | bacon |
tripas  f | tripe |
trozo  m | roast, piece |
venado  m | venison |
Aves  f |
Poultry |
alas![]() | wings |
hígado | liver |
pavo  m, guajolote | turkey |
pechuga  f | breast |
pierna  f | thigh and drumstick |
pollo  m | chicken |
Mariscos  m |
Seafood |
abulón![]() | abalone |
almeja  m | clam, mussel |
atún  m | tuna |
bacalao | cod |
bagre, gato | catfish |
barracuda, pecuda | barracuda |
cabrilla | rock fish |
callo | mussel |
camarones a la diabla | fried, devilled shrimp |
camarones en gabardinas | batter fried shrimp |
camarones gigantes, camarones azules | prawn |
camarones  m | shrimp |
camarones naturales | boiled shrimp |
cangrejo  m | large crab |
caracol  m | conch |
chipirón, calamar | squid |
en su tinta | in their ink |
en sus conchas | in their shells |
huachinango | red snapper |
jaibas | small crabs |
langosta | lobster |
langostinas, camarones del río, cucarachas | crayfish |
lapa | similar to abalone but not as tasty |
lisa | mullet |
mero  m | grouper, sea bass |
mojarra | a perch-like fish |
ostiones | oysters |
pargo | sea bass or snapper |
pescado  m | fish |
pescado seco | dried fish |
pulpo  m | octopus |
robalo | snook |
salmón | salmon |
sardinas | sardines |
sierra | mackerel |
tiburón  m, cazón | shark |
tortuga  f, caguama | turtle |
¿Cómo Termina? |
How Done? |
poco hecho, rojo, algo crudo | rare |
medio | medium |
medio hecho, sonrosado, medio rojo   | medium rare |
bien cocina | well done |
¿Cómo Está Preparada? |
How Prepared? |
a la veracruzana![]() | in tomato sauce |
aderezo para ensaladas | salad dressing |
adobo  m | pickling, seasoning, sauce |
agregar (se agrega), añadir | to add |
ahumadas | smoked |
amasar | to kneed, mash |
asado/a | roasted |
asar | to roast |
asar al horno | to bake |
en brocheta | skewered |
al carbón | charcoal grilled |
cocinar, cocer | to cook |
se cuece a fuego suave | cook over low heat |
al lado | on the side |
a la parrilla | grilled |
chipotle | with the chipotle pepper |
coctel  m | cocktail |
con todo | with everything |
de lata | canned |
desvainar | to shell (peas, etc.) |
dorado | toasted, browned |
espesarse | to thicken |
estrellados | sunny-side up (eggs) |
filete  m | fillet |
freír | to fry |
fritada | fried |
hirviendo, hirviente | boiling |
mezclarse | to mix, blend |
melaza, miel de sorgo | molasses |
milanesa | breaded and fried |
al mojo de ajo | in garlic and butter |
mole poblano | sauce made with chocolate and chilies |
moverse (se mueve) | to stir (stir) |
se muelen | grind them |
pelado/a | peeled |
les quita el pellejo | peel them |
picado/a | minced, chopped |
picante | spicy hot |
quesadillas | stuffed fried tortilla dough |
rajas  f | slices, pieces |
relleno | stuffed |
salado/a | salted |
sancochar | to parboil |
sazonar | to season |
tostar | to toast, to brown |
volteados suaves | over easy (eggs) |
Especias  f, Olores  m |
Spices |
ajo  m![]() | garlic |
albahaca | basil |
azafrán española | saffron |
azúcar m/ f | sugar |
canela  f | cinnamon |
cardamomo | cardamom |
chilhuacle  m | a Oaxacan chili used in moles, 2 varieties yellow & black |
chili molido | chili powder |
clavos de especia  m | whole cloves |
clavos molidos  m | ground cloves |
eneldo | dill |
estragón | tarragon |
hierba  f, yerba | herb |
hinojo  m | fennel |
jengibre  m | ginger |
laurel  m | bay leaves |
mejorana  f | marjoram |
menta, yerba buena | mint |
miel de abeja  f | honey |
mostaza amarilla | prepared mustard |
mostaza molida en polvo | dry mustard |
nuez moscada  f | nutmeg |
orégano | oregano |
perejil, peregil | parsley |
piloncillo  m, panucho | brown sugar |
pimentón dulce | paprika |
pimienta dulce  f | bell pepper |
pimienta gorda  f | allspice |
pimienta blanca  f | white pepper |
pimienta negra  f | black pepper (not common in Mexico) |
polvo de curry  m | curry powder |
sal  f | salt |
salvia  f | sage |
semillas de ajonjolí  f | sesame seeds |
semillas de alcaravea  f | caraway seeds |
tomillo | thyme |
vainilla  f | vanilla |
vinagre | vinegar |
Legumbres  f, |
Vegetables |
acelgas![]() | swiss chard |
alcachofa  f | artichoke |
ancho | dried poblano |
apio | celery |
berenjena  f | eggplant |
berro  m | watercress |
betabele, remolacha  f | beet |
brécol, brócoli  m | broccoli |
calabacita  f | zucchini |
calabaza  f | pumpkin, gourd, squash |
camote | yam |
cebolla  f | onion, bulb |
cebolla  fescalonia | shallot |
cebollana  f | chive |
cebollitas  f | little onions? |
champiñone, hongo  m | mushroom |
chayote | like a squash with one large seed |
chícaro  m | pea |
chile negro, chilaca | long, dark, hot pepper |
chipotle | smoked jalapeño |
col, repollo | cabbage |
col de bruselas | brussels sprouts |
coliflor  f | cauliflower |
ejote | green bean |
ensalada  f, un surtido de verduras crudas | salad |
escarola  f | endive |
espárrago  m | asparagus |
espinaca  f | spinach |
esquites  f | chili & lime-seasoned corn kernals |
frijoles  f | beans |
frijoles refritos | refried beans |
garbanzos  m | chick peas |
haba  f | broad bean |
huitlacoche | black corn fungus |
jícama | a root, looks like potato, tastes like apple |
jitomate | tomato |
lechuga  f | lettuce |
lenteja  f | lentil |
melón  m | melon other than watermelon |
nabo  m | turnip |
nacidos | bean sprouts |
nopales, nopalitos | nopal cactus |
papas  f | potatoes |
pasilla | dried chile negro |
pepino  m | cucumber, pickle |
pepitas  f | squash or melon seeds |
poblano | a mild pepper |
puerro, poro  m | leek |
quelites | greens |
rábano  m | radish |
sandía  f | watermelon |
tuna, higo de nopal, chumbo, xoconostli, pitahaya | cactus fruit |
zanahoria  f | carrot |
Las Frutas |
Fruits |
aceituna  f![]() | olive |
aguacate | avocado |
arrayone | a type of berry |
cereza  f | cherry |
chabacano | apricot |
chino | orange (Yucatan) |
chirimoya | a greenish, scaley fruit with many seeds |
ciruela  f | plum |
cornejo  m | wild cherry |
dátil  m | date |
durazno  m | peach |
fresa  f | strawberry |
granada  f | pomegranate |
guayaba | guava |
higo  m | fig |
lima  f | lemon |
limón  m | lime |
mamey | oval fruit with brown pebbly skin, large seed |
mandarina  f | tangerine |
mango | mango |
manzana  f | apple |
melocotón  m | peach |
naranja  f | orange |
papaya | papaya |
pasa de Corinto | currant |
pasa  f | raisin |
pera  f | pear |
piña  m | pineapple |
plátano | banana |
tamarindo | tamarind--makes a good drink |
toronja  f | grapefruit |
uva  f | grape |
zapote | fruit with sleep inducing property |
Nueces |
Nuts |
almendra  f![]() | almond |
cacahuate  m | peanut |
marañon | cashew |
nuez castilla, nogal | walnut |
nuez  f | pecan, walnut, nut |
piñon  m | pine nut |
Granos  m |
Grains |
ajonjolí  m![]() | sesame |
arroz  m | rice |
atena, hojuelas de avena | oatmeal |
bocoles  m | little round sandwiches |
bolillo  m | french roll |
elote | cooked ear of corn |
fideos, macarrones, pasta | macaroni |
galletas saladas  f | crackers |
harina de maíz  f | corn flour |
harina de maíz amarilla  f | cornmeal |
maíz  m | indian corn |
maíz palomero | popcorn (raw) |
palomitas | popcorn (cooked) |
pan francés | french roll |
pan  m | bread |
prietas  f | colored tortillas |
semillas de girasol | sunflower seeds |
trigo  m | wheat |
torta  f, sanwich | sandwich |
mantequilla  f | butter |
casero/a | home-made |
Huevo  m, Blanquillo |
Egg |
chilaquiles![]() | scrambled eggs with tortillas and chilies |
hueva  f | roe |
huevo duro | hard-boiled egg |
huevo pasada por agua, huevo tibio | soft-boiled egg |
huevos escalfados | poached eggs |
huevos estrellados | sunny side up |
huevos estrellados volteados | eggs over easy |
huevos rancheros | eggs with tortilla and sauce |
huevos revueltos | scrambled eggs |
torta de huevo | omelet |
Productos Lacteos  m |
Dairy Products |
crema, crema dulce  f![]() | cream |
crema ácida, crema agria | sour cream |
jocoque | buttermilk |
leche de cabra | goatīs milk |
mantequilla  f | butter |
queso amarillo, Queso Club | like rat cheese |
queso blanco, queso ranchero | white, crumbly |
queso Chihuahua | like mild cheddar, pale |
queso crema | cream cheese |
Queso estilo | |
parmesano, queso añejo | parmesan |
queso  m | cheese |
queso Oaxaca, | |
quesillo | like mozzarella, white, stringy |
queso suizo | Swiss cheese |
requesón | cottage cheese |
yogurt, bulgara | yogurt |
Postres  m |
Desserts |
algodón  m![]() | cotton candy |
ate | jellied fruit bar |
buñuelo  m | fritter |
cajeta | toffee |
camote | sweet potato candy |
caña de azúcar | sugar cane |
cascara | candied fruit peel |
charamusca | twisted taffy candy |
chongo | thick custard |
churro  m | long, narrow fritter |
cocada | coconut candy |
curtidos | candied fruits soaked in alcohol |
dulce | sweet |
flan  m | custard, tart |
fruta cristalizada | candied fruit |
galleta  f | cookie |
gaznate | pastry tube stuffed with sweet cream filling |
gelatina  f | jello |
golondrinas  f | candy coated nuts |
helada  f | ice cream |
jamoncillo | a very sweet candy |
jobo | candied plum |
merengue  m | meringue |
mezcal | fibrous brown sugar candy |
moreliana | pastry-like tortilla smeared with milk candy |
nieve  f | sherbet |
oblea | cajeta between two thin wafers |
palanqueta | peanut brittle |
paleta  f | flavored water frozen on a stick |
pastel  m | cake |
pepitoria | cajeta and pepitas in a thin wafer |
platanos prensados | pressed banana candy |
polvorones | crumbly cookies |
tojocotes | squash cooked in brown sugar |
trompada | taffy-like, made from piloncillo and anise |