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albacore, longfin tuna | albacora, atún | Blue, 2-4' long, edible, fished commercially, found in deep water not seen by scuba divers. Thunnus alalunga | |
anglefish | pez angel | Yellow, orange, & blue, to 1' in length, many species including Cortez and King, frequently seen around reefs. | |
amberjack | madrigal | Pink, 3' in length, found in deep water, seen by scuba divers, fished commercially by spearfishermen. | |
bango fish (ray) | raya | about 1' across, found on sandy bottoms, sometimes common in bays, seen by divers. | |
barracuda |
barracuda, picuda | Brown, average 2' in length, found in deep water, occasionally seen by scuba divers. | |
black marlin, blue marlin |
marlin negro, marlin azule | Blue-black to blue, to 8' in length, found in deep water, fished commercially and for sport (see visitor's comment), best fishing June through September, not generally seen by scuba divers. Photo Makaira indica/Makaira nigricans | |
Pacific boxfish | pez caja | About 7" in length, reds to dark gray with white spots, found in shallow rocky or reef areas. Photo. Ostracion meleagris | |
ocean whitefish | blanquillo | White, about 1' in length, with blue and yellow striped fins, found in fairly deep water near shore, rich white meat, served in restaurants in Puerto Angel, there's one at the Turtle Museum. Caulolatilus princeps | |
bonito | barrioleta | Black, about 2' in length, red meat, caught in large numbers by commercial fishermen, commonly served in Puerto Angel restaurants, used for shark bait, found in deep water and sometimes near shore. | |
butterfly fish | muñeca | Black and yellow, about 6" in length, very common, found in reefs. | |
chub | chopa | Gray, about 1' in length, edible, found in reefs, not seen often here. | |
croaker | corvina | Brown, about 2' in length, rare, found close to shore, not seen often here. | |
damselfish | castañeta | Brown, blue, & orange, many species from beaugregories to duskies, one of the most common reef fish here. | |
dolphin fish, mahimahi | dorado | Green and gold, about 3' in length, caught by sport fishermen, found in deep water, most common November through March, not normally seen by scuba divers. Photo | |
eagle ray | raya | Black with white sports and a large head, about 5' across, commonly seen by scuba divers, especially around the mouth of Tangolunda Bay in Huatulco. | |
grouper | garropa | Brown and rust, about 3' in length, found in deep water and sometimes seen in reefs. | |
grunt | burro | Black and gray, about 8" in length, found in reefs and around rocks, occasionally seen by divers. | |
jack | toro | Bluish-gray, 1-2' in length, found offshore but seen with some frequency by scuba divers. | |
jewfish | mero | Brown, to about 3' in length, found in reefs, very common, especially below the lighthouse at Puerto Angel, most are juveniles. | |
king anglefish | ángel real | Blue and yellow, about 1 foot long, found in shallow reef areas. Photo. Holacanthus passer | |
lobster | langosta | seen by divers except when the water is very warm, more common at night, fished commercially. Photo. | |
mackerel | sierra | Gray with gold spots, about 2' in length, found offshore, seasonal, sometimes the bays are full of them. Scomberomorus | |
moorish idols | idolo moro | Black & white stripped, 10" in length, found in reefs, common in places, seen by divers. Photo. Zanclus cornutus | |
moray eel | morena | At least nine species found locally, some with elaborate markings, found in reefs, seen by divers, common at night. | |
zebra moray | morena cebra | About 2 feet long, feed on crabs and other crustaceans and mollusks. Photo. Echidna zebra | |
mullet | lisa | Gray, about 2' in length, found in sandy bays, seasonal, sometimes filling the bays, attract preditors. | |
Mexican needlefish | agujón | Blue-black in color, about 3' in length, found in deep water but coming inshore to the surface at night, attracted by the lights, common. Photo. Tylosurus crocodilus | |
octopus | pulpo | To 18" across, found in rocks and sandy bottoms, fairly common but are hidden and seen occasionally by divers, fished commercially. | |
parrotfish |
perico, pez loro | Green, pink, blue, orange, about 1' in length, fairly common in reefs, especially blue and green bumpheads. | |
azure parrotfish | perico, pez loro | Bright blue, about 1' in length, reef fish. Photo. Scarus compressus | |
bumphead parrotfish | guacamaya, perico | Bright blue-green, about 1' in length, reef fish. Photo. Scarus perrico | |
pompano | pápano | Gray, about 1' in length, found near shore. | |
puffer | botete, pez globo | Black with white spots, yellows, and spiney varieties are common, about 8" in length, poisonous to eat, found in reefs, seen frequently by divers. Photo. Arothron meleagris | |
Pacific porgy | pez de pluma | Tan, 1-2' in length, found near sandy shores. | |
red snapper |
huachinango, pargo | Reddish pink, 1-2' in length, commonly found in deep water around the rocks, the local variety have elongated canine teeth, fished at night. Photo. Lutjanus peru | |
roosterfish | pez gallo | Black and blue, iridescent, about 3' in length, fished in shallow beach areas, good to eat. Photo. Nematistius pectoralis | |
sailfish | pez vela | Blue-black, to 6' in length, found in deep water, commonly caught by sport fishermen, best fishing June through September, not seen by scuba divers. Photo Istiophorus platypterus | |
sardine | sardina | Blue-black, about 8" in length, found offshore. | |
scorpion fish | pez alacrán | Brown, black, gray, white, 6-18" in length, several varieties, found in rocks, seen by divers, common but difficult to spot. | |
sea bass | cabrilla | Brown, ruddy, 1-2' in length, found in reefs, occasionally sighted in remote bays by scuba divers. | |
shark | tiburón | Black to blue, 2-5' in length, hammerheads, grays, white-tip, black-tip and others, found offshore, fished commercially year round sometimes in great numbers, only occasionally seen in the distance by scuba divers. | |
angel shark | tiburón angel | bottom dwellers, common around islands near Huatulco, especially Risco la Blanca, seen by divers. Photo. Squatina californica | |
blacktip shark | volador, sardinero | gray body with black tips on all fins, found near the surface offshore. Photo. Carcharhinus limbatus | |
scalloped hammerhead shark | cornuda, pez martillo, cruz | travel in schools, inshore or offshore, identified by the three notches on the leading edge of its head. Photo. Sphyrna lewini | |
great hammerhead shark | travel in schools, inshore or offshore, identified by the single notch on the leading edge of its head. Sphyrna mokarran | ||
whitetip shark | - | gray body with white tips on most fins, found near the surface well offshore. Photo. Carcharhinus longimanus | |
shrimp | camarón | common at times, fished commercially. | |
snake eel | moreno | White and purple, 8' in length 1-1/2" in diameter, found among rocks, occasionally seen by divers at night. | |
black snook | róbalo | Black-brown, 2-3' in length, found in lagoons, seen by divers. Photo. Centropomus nigrescens | |
spadefish | chambo | Black and silver, about 1' in length, very common, found in reefs and sandy bottoms. | |
sting-ray | pastinaca | Dark gray, 6-8' across, found on sandy bottoms, occasionally seen by divers. | |
yellowtail surgeon fish | cochinito | Blue with yellow fins, seen by divers, especially common at Risco La Blanca, La Entrega, and the shipwreck beneath the lighthouse at Huatulco. Photo. Prionurus punctatus | |
swordfish | pez espada | Black to blue, about 5' in length, found in deep water, fished commercially and for sport, not seen by divers. Xiphias gladius (broadbill swordfish) | |
triggerfish | pez puerco | Several varieties and colors, blue, rust, brown, and black, 1-2' in length, very common, found in reefs. | |
wahoo | peto, guahu | Green to blue, 2-5' in length, found in deep water, strong fighter, good to eat. Photo.   Acanthocybium solanderi | |
rainbow wrass | Red, yellow, blue, 5" in length, females can change into males. Thalassoma lucasanum | ||
yellowfin tuna | atún amarilla | Bright blue and yellow colors that fade quickly when the fish dies, 2-5' in length, long pectoral fins, found in deep water, abundant, fished commercially, most common November through March, often served in restaurants in Puerto Angel. Photo. Thunnus albacares | |
yellowtail | jurel de aleta amarilla | Blue and yellow, 2-4' in length, very common, found offshore, good to eat. Photo. Seriola lalandei |
Fishing in Huatulco
Scuba Diving
Mexico Withholds Tuna Fleets' Infractions Data