On September 8, 2000, shortly after tropical storm Lane passed the coast of Jalisco far out at sea, large waves began pounding the coast of Barra de Navidad. Heavy waves persisted for 2 days. Some beach erosion and damage to beachfront buildings occurred.
- Hotel Bogavante -- lost all of the sea wall, damage to deck and 1 room. Hotel is to be torn down and replacement is uncertain.
- house next to Bogavante collapsed
- Mar y Tierra -- heavily damaged
- Hotel Karelia -- all the sea wall, damage to building. Hotel is torn down and replacement is uncertain.
- Hotel Barra de Navidad -- slight damage to sea wall around pool, everything else okay. Open for business.
- Hotel Tropical -- no damage
- Port captain building -- destroyed
- Sunset (Capri) -- beach erosion, but still standing on stilts
- Seamaster -- no damage
- Pancho's -- no damage
- Nachos -- no damage
- Maxims -- beach erosion, part of downstairs floor missing
- Tucan -- beach erosion, damage to front
- Bananas -- damage to front, currently closed but will open somewhere
- Malecón -- damage to all of the sea wall but no damage to the rock wall going out to sea
Damages were confined to the town of Barra de Navidad. There was no damage to hotels in Melaque or anywhere else.

Photo submitted by Tracye, of Crazy Cactus