Salty is really gone this time, flipped out into the big cosmos somewhere.
Disbarred criminal attorney Dave the Hook did himself in slowly with crank and mescal.
Mary (with the bent arm) last heard from in the peace corps in Guatemala.
Control freak Joaquin run out of town by unhappy lifeguards to Zipo, where Zipo guards did the same thing.
Chandra Chandra, real name Marcia Berger, somewhere else, visits occasionally, does the Chandra on 6-footers.
Juancho disappeared into the vast unknown.
Tony of Brazil now in San Diego.
Paty still here cutting hair, recently remarried and making new babies.
Juan Limon, the flamboyant son of the Canadian archbishop, d.o.a. on mescal.
Richard & Vicky (now married) still here, Richard still a formidable chess challenger, and Vicky running her own biz.
Bob Farran still running the ArcoIris, spearing the huge ones, surfing the big ones.
Famed latin hornman Luis Gasca, burned every bridge possible, split.
Doc, former college prof, D.O.A. from heart failure, after three tries.
The guy you (Jaak) built the house for, who fell in love with TV Nelly and bragged about her great BJs, hasn't shown his face since learning his new girlfriend's real ID.
Rodrigo, brutally assassinated by machete in broken romance payback. R.I.P.
Danielito last heard from chefing for a retirement home in Maui.
Pierre, now living in Canada with his teenage son Bastian, selling his castle.
Jeff & Patty shut down Art & Harry's, Patty in Canada, Jeff still scamming.
Chuck Fester, whose delusions of grandeur were so great he was building five hotels and three restaurants simultaneously at Roca Blanco, shipped out to a U.S. looney bin.
Pepe Estevan, Puerto's original homeboy musican, still wailing his signature tune: "Puerto Escondido, we know you'll be back."
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Illicit Missett became an unknown famous writer with three books published and three more coming.
Paco Sampiero, one of the original Puerto surfers, early lifeguard organizer and contest promoter, has retired from Mexicana and is happily running PacoLolo's Bungalows.
Dave Ogle still making Puerto Underground videos promoting major mackers and Bungalows Zicatela.
Bruno's hostess with the mostest Patrice went to NYC to become a prominent human rights attorney, seen occasionally on Bill O'Reilly show. Returning to Puerto permanently soon.
Paul Lye, former A&H partner, custom homebuilder and Buena Vista Hotel proprietor with wife Heide, still here drumming for the stars, keeping the blues festival in time.
Faux phony artist/poet poser Blue run out of town on ped charges after groping the wrong kid.
Chef Morgan left town in a hurry when his landlord's son stuck a pistol to his forehead, and said: "bang."
Don Moises, the best bartender/waiter in town for more than a decade, rudely cut loose at Art & Harry's, but he's still smiling.
John Silver, still surfing the bombers and bombing the surfers.
Master door/window maker Matt Hardy returning to the scene of the crime and his Punta monolith.
Arlene Grazer, the Grand Dame of Zicatela for so many years, now sleeping with the angels.
Stir Fry, still looking for Jaak.
Sameo-sameo, old friend.
Farkem is a regular contributor to the Puerto Escondido Visitors' Comments.