San Gabriel Park 6-23-2012

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  • Saturday, June 23, 2012   12:00 noon at the Gazebo in the San Gabriel Park in Georgetown, TX

    This was our fifth time to play in public. The weather was hot and dry, somewhat windy. We played Sonic Vortex for the first time and we skipped doing One Day at a Time.

    We started earlier in the day because of the heat in June and made it a pot luck lunch as well. We invited friends and family and also made it a company picnic for Ringdale, Inc. We recorded the concert using a new Zoom H4N.

    2012-6-23_SanGabrielPark8 (185K)
    Norbert, Anthony, Anita, Jack

    2012-6-23_SanGabrielPark1 (198K)
    Kyle, Jennefer, Lisa, Pat, John, Steve

    2012-6-23_SanGabrielPark3 (52K)
    Maria and Kelly

    2012-6-23_SanGabrielPark6 (174K)
    Tom Penick, starting off "On My Island"

    2012-6-23_SanGabrielPark2 (150K)
    Tomzap, playing "Highway Song"

    2012-6-23_SanGabrielPark7 (193K)