San Gabriel Park 5-20-2012

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  • Sunday, May 20, 2012   2:00 pm at the Gazebo in the San Gabriel Park in Georgetown, TX

    This was our fourth time to play in public. The weather was perfect, somewhat windy. We played Rebel Yell and Halelujah for the first time.

    Maria brought her dad who had just arrived from Russia. Also there were Pat & Lisa & Irish setters, Ramon & Brenda, Anthony, Jeff's sister Linda, Chochise (very briefly), Steve and son Robert, John W. and dog, Vicky, Zach, Polly.

    Tom, Jeff and Rodger

    Playing the solo on On My Island with wireless transmitter and monitor is much like a "walk in the park" for Tom.

    Rodger Hutchins

    Jeff Pounds

    Tom Penick