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Aren't we all down here? That was a disgusting comment by Paul. You don't kick a person when they are down!by • por OPOL - Off-Topic Forum
I think Paco is a good guy. His wife has cooking classes. One morning as I sat in my car waiting for a class, I saw a guy come up to Pacos and was hollering and making threatening gestures. I later learned it was our friend. I saw what I saw and it was scary.by • por OPOL - Off-Topic Forum
Your dogs are here again. Your gate is locked. They are attacking my neighbors dogs and barking. They were at my door at 340am this morning. You need to do something or I will. You fooled me. I thought you cared about your pets.by • por OPOL - Off-Topic Forum
You are required to be a citizen to get a license in Az. I apologize. I've lived here too long.by • por OPOL - Off-Topic Forum
A drivers license is not proof of citizenship in the US. Anyone can get a license if they can pass the test. A passport or birth certificate is proof of citizenship.by • por OPOL - Off-Topic Forum
Lucky Susan. You were able to choose where you were born. The rest of us just take whatever comes our way.by • por OPOL - Off-Topic Forum