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What a huge can of worms the US of A has created with their so called "War on Drugs". At the same time this is in the Mexican press up North they are talking about how the US Dept of Justice, their storm troopers the DEA, and various high ranking Pols have been in bed with the Drug Cartels (Sinaloa) since at least 2000. How "Fast and Furious" was no more than a Nod And Wink toby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
Must have gotten served imitation maple syrup? Rojoby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
just ask'in? no one falls off a turnip truck this many times?by • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
Thanks Scott, very true. Although hard to come by in small town US. Rojoby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
Any idea why this topic got bumped? Seems to me to be germain to Mexico. Rojoby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
Perhaps my Canadian neighbors who like to point to the US for most of Mexico's Drug War problems, may want to tone down their smugness. Canada contributes substantially to the Western Hemispheres drug economy, thru consumption as well as production. Rojo canadian involvementby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
link and again in text () or maybe http://sparks-mexico.com/Assorted/Colima/ex-hacienda/sugar/slides/sugarmill9.jpg]equipmentby • por Idaho Red - Test Forum
What's funny is how serious some folks are! OMG Even more fun was the next story on the page Zummie linked to; Stolen maple syrup, oh my! Talk about a national emergency! Why ruin a perfectly good story with the truth anyway? Rojoby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
Just finished listening to both candidates? Who's the better liar? For me the connection is I much prefer hiding out on the beach in Mexico and not even thinking about, let alone participating in, American National Politics. Caps are on purpose, any business that big (politics) deserves to be capitalized. All I know is they are out of control, spending like a drunk sailor on a weekend pass,by • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
Many of KR's points seem to go right past ole PB. Demonstrating again the Gringos propensity for arguing about nothing while the coyote steals all the chickens. Anyone who has ever had the balls to create a business and successfully grow and run it for years can tell you that the numbers in the US lead to failure! Saying that one party does this and the other guys do that is just the BS theyby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
Thanks for the info Palomas. But I just got to say, What is the Point??? The two party system in the US continues to provide choices that vary from bad to worse! From my perspective, the only solution is to vote out any incumbent in DC. They have shown their inability to perform the job they have been elected to do, send them home, ASAP! As for President, it appears we will have a choice of tby • por Idaho Red - Off-Topic Forum
You might want to try this question on both the Oaxaca and Puerto Escondido boards, more participation. Rojoby • por Idaho Red - Puerto Angel