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Reports are now saying, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has rolled back the emergencies act invoked during trucker-led COVID-19 protests in Canada. He said the "threat continues" but is not "acute". This rally against pandemic restrictions has seriously threatened a nations safety and security. This has been reported as the largest police operation in Canadian history whby por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
Has the protest conflict over the Emergency Act limited safe return to Canada?by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
thetravelingoz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you want an eye-opener,,,,, take a look at > this! > If you read this you may never be the same. It is definitely not what you want to believe. So, be warned!by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
Where to get this vaccine shot in the Colima, or Villa de Alvarez area ?by por bradc - Colima - Comala
Where to get this vaccine shot in Cihuatlan, Melaque, Barra area?by por bradc - La Manzanilla - Tenacatita - Boca de Iguanas
Does anybody know anything important about the two "wild variants" B.1.1.7 coming from the UK and B.1.2 coming from the USA?by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
What brand of shots are being injected here locally ? It would be nice to know what is going to live with me. Seems there are very different values and risks involved. Are they all the same or different content?by por bradc - Colima - Comala
What brand of shots are being injected here locally in Melaque, Barra, Cihuatlan and Manzanillo? It would be nice to know what is going to live with me. Seems there are very different values and risks involved. Are they all the same or different content?by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
What brand of shots are being injected here locally in Melaque, Barra, Cihuatlan and Manzanillo? It would be nice to know what is going to live with me. Seems there are very different values and risks involved. Are they all the same or different content?by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
What brand of shots are being injected here locally in Melaque, Barra, Cihuatlan and Manzanillo? It would be nice to know what is going to live with me. Seems there are very different values and risks involved. Are they all the same or different content?by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
What brand of shots are being injected here locally in Melaque, Barra, Cihuatlan and Manzanillo? It would be nice to know what is going to live with me. Seems there are very different values and risks involved.by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
The Federal Trade Commission is about to dismantle, Facebook (++value $800 Billion), Instagram ($1 Billion-sold to Facebook-2012), WhatsApp ($19 Billion-sold to Facebook-2014). Three of the worlds most popular social media & messaging apps are at risk after legal investigations. These are the same type of monopoly laws that destroyed the Hollywood motion picture studios. Need a reference?by por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
Help is on the way. We can just add you to the list of survivors that have been through very much the same experience. Some even describe the girls as wearing wigs and too much make-up. Some of us have been approached asking directions to a local store while walking in Melaque near Hawaii. She flashes a wallet full of hundreds of pesos and asks if directions could be obtained by gettingby por bradc - Off-Topic Forum
Where to get the flu shot? Special locations are important! And, which flu shot to get based on your age is also important?by por bradc - Colima - Comala
Service is available for telephone and internet by exceptional technicians. However, we are in a period of labor shortage and you need to understand how to get service when there appears to be none. Propinas!by por bradc - Colima - Comala
Any news about what major restaurants have closed permanently in Colima?by por bradc - Colima - Comala
Well, get ready for 4 more republican years. Why? Because it is a republican take over of the country. And, who is going to do anything about it? The democrats, who because of the split between Sanders philosophy and Biden philosophy, and the democrats that have decided not to vote because it doesn represent their beliefs in either one. The party is split, and the absence of an electoratby por bradc - Off-Topic Forum