Actually “Mag”, I would guestimate that an independent thread of this caliber might well be FAR more productive if reserved solely for lodging complaints.
THAT way, the (pre-neurotic) insistence of now loading up nearly each and EVERY individual thread with these intentionally disruptive
Off Topic (jibing) detours can be totally
AVOIDED…… thus permitting the otherwise
“normal flow” of differing ideas (including KR contributions) SANS these willfully hijacked
“gobbly goop” interruptions
OF that “normal flow”.
Yeah, simply
going with The Flow might conceivably be
A Good Thing……. Because from my vantage point, what appears to be actually
“fcking up TomZap” are these appallingly now
CONSTANT Off Topic harassments, and
NOT particularly or necessarily the simple presence of mere differing viewpoints and/or experiences.
Give it a try, as one might observe, and even successfully argue, that the mere CONstancy of these jibes alone serves to only
DRAW ATTENTION TO various posts, which would otherwise simply move-through “the flow” as but a passing thought
among many.IOW, your decisive ‘
spotlighting’ appears to be generating The Opposite Effect than its presumed intent, while then concurrently actually inflating various posts with a (presumably equally unintended) artificial sense of value!!!!
Dig?IOW, how but
ONE man’s
“passing” point of view can cause such a defensive uproar is really bewildering…… to me!