Hi, No visit for awhile here for a couple of different reasons.#1 depressing gossip. #2 comments from those with drug induced thoughts. I do appreciate reading intelligent posts from many such as srcotton and others here. This is not one! Thank you people for a good read. What I am writing now is not important. However, to break the monotony of the amount of posts about deaths in Mexico in comparison to American or Canada. I thought I would share my new knowledge directed mostly to Women golfers; I spent my afternoon drilling balls. No not on the fairway. Wait! For a game I see tourists playing on the beach. Ladder Golf. My thoughts as drilling through the different balls inspired me to share my knowledge of the findings with women that like to hit balls. Titleist has a thin skin and a hard core. Use the #9 iron. Ping has a hard wrap and a soft core. Not sure, a woody? Just a warning and helpful hint for those that enjoy stroking balls.
Pease and love, Dave out...