1st Comala Volcano Festival 2015December 23rd ,2015 Inauguration
December 23rd ,2015 Photograph expo Dr. En C. Raúl Arámbula y L.D.G. Hernando Rivera "
The volcanoes through a click"
December 26th, 2015 Talk Geólogo Carlos Navarro Ochoa "
Eruptive styles in the last 58 years of the Colima Volcano"
December 27th, 2015 Talk Protección Civil "
Volcano risks"
December 28th, 2015 Talk Lic. Pedro Virgen "
Agricultural harvesting on volcano slopes"
December 29th, 2015 Talk Biólogo Jose Villa "
Nevado de Colima National Park"
December 30th, 2015 Talk C. Oveth Fuentes "
Birds on the volcanoes"
January 2nd, 2016 Talk Asociacion Rutas del Volcán "
Comercial development on the Volcanoes"
January 3rd, 2016 Talk M. en A. Júpiter Rivera "
Tourism and Volcanoes"
All talks will be held at the Juan Rulfo auditorium at 8:00pm in spanish
There will be tours on the Colima Volcano Bus at 9:00 and 15:00 Cost per person $200 pesos and $100 Children under 10
Departure from the Comala Plaza. Tours will be in spanish
On January 2nd there will be a bird count in diferent areas for more info on the bird count please send PM.
On January 3rd there will be a Folkloric Ballet at 9:00 at the Plaza of Comala.
Saludos from Comala!
AdmireMexicoTours@hotmail.comTHE LOCAL EXPERTS
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