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Tenacatita Closed
August 04, 2010 04:52PM
A heads up. Today, the palapas at Tenacatita were apparently burned. Sand was moved onto the road and cars that had gone in during the morning hours were trapped. The military is carrying out the action. A bungalow owner in La Manz reported that guests she had that had gone this morning were still not home. An article at


is roughly translated below:

Employers Zafiro project displacing tourists , fishermen and residents of Tenacatita
With state troopers and heavy machinery , employers seeking to build tourism development in Sapphire in Tenacatita Jalisco 's south coast this morning dislodge the fishing village. They got lots of those tourists, fishermen and residents with the intention to start work , despite not having permits. The developers claim that they own that land and those who live there invaded . ( By Enrique Cervantes Flores)

Another article with rough translation in same paper:

The City of La Huerta Jalisco on Wednesday went to the beaches of Tenacatita Bay to investigate why they were evicted from the farm 's Rebalsito ejidatarios and fishermen in the federal zone .
Interviewed by telephone, the Council's general secretary , Javier Arias Nava, confirmed that the removal of huts and other structures that kept people from the conflict zone , however , said that so far the individual who brought the ejidatarios did not exhibit the legal documents to justify their action, which require an explanation. (By Victor Montes Renteria )

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/12/2010 05:43PM by carolandpuppy.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 04, 2010 06:00PM
the huts along the beach to the left of resteraunt central?
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 04, 2010 06:32PM
So now the big developers have taken over El Tecuan and Tenacatita?


Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 04, 2010 06:39PM
If memory serves me this has happened before. I recall something happening where most of the palapas were burnt but in the end the local won out, they just persisted and kept rebuilding. This sounds more serious this time and with more backing.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 04, 2010 06:46PM
Tecuan has been for sale for years and hardly visited by anyone. Tenacatita is a whole nuther thing. I can't imagine who would have the balls to try that ... and the military ???? The last issue over this was 3-4 years ago and rumors were greatly exaggerated

Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 04, 2010 07:07PM
I just tried to call Chito and Boro to see what they have to say but no answer at either cel.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2010 07:40PM by Nan.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 04, 2010 07:59PM
I just spoke to Chito and he says that there will be a meeting tomorrow morning, they are rounding up people to come and stand up for things and he says we'll see how it goes.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 06:07AM
This military action is including all the homes and lots on the ocean side too. It is NOT simply the old restaurant issue. Quite a few of us have federally titled lots, some have built beach homes. EVERYONE was escorted from their homes yesterday --- gringos and Mexicans --- and were not allowed to take any possessions.

They were told that the homes and restaurants, etc. would be bulldozed today.

If anyone has facts --- or knows how to pursue some justice here --- please let us know.


Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 07:17AM
I'm guessing it's a developer with big plans for the area. It will be stunning to watch them get away with this.

Evicting people from homes they've built on titled property?

Is anyone's property safe?
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 07:36AM
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 09:52AM
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 10:05AM
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 10:37AM
English fyi.

Edit + [www.mexicocb.com]

Wed, 04/08/2010 - 12:06

Guadalajara .- In an operation that began early this day, dozens of riot elements of the State Bureau of Public Security have carried out the eviction of residents from the beach of Tenacatita in alleged support of the rights of the Real Estate Rodenas, which headed by businessman Jose Maria Andres Villalobos, which currently has enraged those affected, denounced Salvador Magana, a former member of the council of La Huerta.

"There are at least 800 people affected among fishermen, restaurateurs and merchants, is the third time in 20 years that an eviction is violent, but people are not willing to be" put in relief the PRD militant.

This is a surprise with only elements operating state, on the side of the City of La Huerta, no surprise and concern. According to the activist told him, the municipality has requested support from police in other municipalities to ensure the security of the population, but farmers are outraged, and analyze federal block the road to avoid consuming eviction.

Those affected are in possession of the area since 1960. Then the small landowner neighbor was the former governor Jesús González Gallo, who always respected them. In 1991, the president's widow, Paz Gortázar, sold the estate was left to businessman Jose Maria Andres Villalobos, owner of the property Rodenas. The following year, the fishermen had their houses burned by a party of rural allegedly the service of his opponent. The key to what they suffered is that in 1993, the federal maritime-terrestrial zone, which traders had held since almost 25 years ago, he was awarded the real estate entrepreneur, being the owner of the neighboring properties, but ignoring disregard of a concession granted to Francisco Montelongo Aguayo, one of the restaurateurs of the site. Based on that element, Rodenas denounced the arrests and led landholders in 2006. And now the facts are repeated, with the general indignation.
Agustin del Castillo

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2010 10:55AM by Steven Proe.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 10:58AM
I did a little investigating. The official line here is that the "owners" had an outstanding debt with Banrural(a rural Mex. Banking institution) that was in litigation. They did nothing to establish their possession of the land while this was resolved. Meanwhile the ejido continued to expand its possession of the land, even "selling" properties illegitimately to foriegners and Mexicans alike. The lawsuit was resolved and backed by the legal title to the land, the owners requested the support of the state authorities to return the land to them by removing the "squatters". My source, who believes all this information to be the truth, says that none of these people who were evicted could have a legitimate "federal title".

It's a nasty business however you look at it. It's hard to know who to believe but I think it sounds like the developer group has the legal standing in this situation. It remains to be seen if they will be open to any negotiation.

Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 10:58AM
This makes me ill. What a horrible thing to have happen to the people who have built their lives there, the homes, the business places. No warning, no option open to negotiate? How very sad this is. My hearts go out to those who are struggling right now for some sense of justice.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 12:25PM
we ran up there this morning and had to drive around three large trees across the road, cut down by locals to prevent further occupiing forces...then we stopped at a barricade oif dirt and sand manned (and womaned) by locals...then about 1/4 mile further we saw about 50 state police troops blocking the road into Tenacatita...the locals were thruwing more logs, etc on their barricade

farmers and resteraunt owners told me that the troops came in yesterday and have been looting air conditioners, beer, food, etc from up and down the beach, although i could not get close enough to confirm this

also was mentioned that there was a bulldozer knocking things down...

a very unhappy crowd when i decided it was time to take my pale skin quickly away from the mounting excitement...
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 12:34PM
Someone needs to take a boat over there and take some pictures.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 12:53PM
I has happened before [www.allbusiness.com] though in this case it doesn't appear that anyone had federal escruturas for the property in question.

Here is one where it went the other way [math.ucr.edu]

Go figure...
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 01:23PM
a wise friend once told me: don't invest in Mexico what you cannot afford to lose....
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 01:39PM
Be interesting to know how much land is under contention including around the bay, lagoon and trailer parks, the beach just north and Playa Mora

Sparks Blog - Melaque Blog - Costalegre
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 03:31PM
Wow - Sparks and Nan - super articles and video...scary stuff...
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 03:45PM
I hate to say it, but this kind of debockle has always steered me clear of property ownership, anywhere in Mexico, not just within bla bla bla of the high tide line. This is really, beyond a sickening situation, and as a Tenacatitian(not I), what in the hell do you do????? If you owned a restaraunt and kept the family going, or had a few palapas or bodegas for rent, I guess you have to shuffle off to Buffalo? Nowhere to bitch, except the low IQ'ed anal orifices with plastic shields. Sad, so Sad. This doesn't do Mexico any good, after already heading down the pipe. If I did own anything, I got a hunch, I'd be having a fire sale. Enjoyed many, many great meals there, spent many afternoons, as the kids played on a peaceful beach, but I guess things will change. So Sad!
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 04:52PM
as with everything in mexico, life goes on, and its not over till its over, a couple posters said dont buy, will sort of like poker if you cant afford to lose it dont get in, really true down here with little recourse.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 04:54PM
I don't doubt that there will be some type of injunction presenting itself soon.


Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 05:10PM
A google search following a hotel mentioned in one of the links shows it to be open and connected to a bush pilot association. If the hotel is open even after its 1997 take-over then some agreement was made with the owner and the land owners.... I hope a good one. I really hope that some kind of agreement can be reached over the situation we are discussing. Its a fantastic place and I love that it is open for everyone and not a exclusive hotel. Sounds like lots of development is going to be happening in the Jalisco state...not good news for us who love it small like it is.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 05:53PM
Don't get in if you cant afford to lose it? Do you think that it is true in all circumstances when it comes to buying in Mx? Do you think its true if I buy a titled condo in PV Mx that has been there for years and inhabited by many Canadians and Americans. Is it risky if its titled property and the bank is holding the trust and making lots of money off of many of us. Do you think its true if your property isn't in the most desirable location, like beach front then its less risky? I'm just wondering cause it seems like don't get involved if the property is a risky venture, ( ejido). But if its as safe as Mx can make it then do you think there is that much of risk? At least as much as where I'm from; if they decide they want to put a road through the middle of my property or something like that, "they" will. Any way, I bought and I have not had one sleepless night, I'm thinking about buying more. I don't want to afford to lose it. Regardless, sorry for what is happening in Tenacatita. Visiting there was a tipping point for us to buy in Barra as it is such a beautiful beach. But its not over yet.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 08:24PM
fitzfox, have your Notario show you his/her filing of the sale/purchse/transfer/history of the
"federally titled" property with the municipalty.

Was there a realtor involved?

Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 05, 2010 10:06PM
We must have the same wise friend. He told me the same thing almost 6 years ago. Only invest what you can afford to lose...
Very sad..
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 06, 2010 12:31PM
Please, someone give us an update on this. I spent a weekend in one of the hotels at the far end of the beach, left hand side off the beach with a lovely older mexican couple. Hate to think of how everyones life will be destroyed.
Re: Tenacatita Burned and Closed
August 06, 2010 01:32PM
Here is some news. I won't torment anyone by running it through a computer translation program and don't have time to do a full translation but some people have been taken to jail, three people were wounded when over 200 rounds were discharged the night before last and apparently some of the detainees are reporting that they were beaten so there has apparently been some violence.

The article starts saying that yesterday afternoon, one by one and watched by dozens of police the local people were allowed to return to their businesses and homes and pickup their stuff and take it out.
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