Date of Birth: 5/8/1990
Date Missing: 12/27/05 from Oakley, California
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 6" (1.68 meters)
Weight: 120 lbs. (54.5 kg)
Sex: Female
Race: Hispanic
Diana was last seen on December 27, 2005. She may be in the company of a male companion. There is a chance that her companion might have left her in Jalisco, Mexico. If you have any information please call Child Quest International 1-888-818-4673 or the Oakley Police Department at 925-625-8060. You can also email me at ahorton@childquest.org.
Amanda C. Horton
Investigations Case Manager
Runaways and At-Risk Adults
Child Quest International
307 Orchard City Drive
Suite 108
Campbell, Ca. 95008
(408) 287-HOPE
(888) 818-4673