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Metric Conversions

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To convert:

kilometersto miles multiply by 0.6215
milesto kilometers multiply by 1.609

metersto inches multiply by 39.37
inchesto meters multiply by 0.0254
metersto feet multiply by 3.281
feetto meters multiply by 0.3048
centimetersto inches multiply by 0.3937
inchesto centimeters multiply by 2.54
millimetersto inches multiply by 0.03937
inchesto millimeters multiply by 25.4

square kilometersto square miles multiply by 0.3861
square milesto square kilometers multiply by 2.59
hectaresto acres multiply by 2.47
acresto hectares multiply by 0.405
square milesto acres multiply by 640
acresto square miles multiply by 0.0015625
square metersto square yards multiply by 1.196
square yardsto square meters multiply by 0.8361
square metersto square feet multiply by 10.76
square feetto square meters multiply by 0.0929
square centimetersto square inches multiply by 0.155
square inchesto square centimeters multiply by 6.45

cubic metersto cubic yards multiply by 1.307
cubic yardsto cubic meters multiply by 0.7651
cubic centimetersto cubic inches multiply by 0.06102
cubic inchesto cubic centimeters multiply by 16.387

litersto quarts multiply by 1.057
quartsto liters multiply by 0.9461
litersto gallons multiply by 0.2642
gallonsto liters multiply by 3.785
litersto fluid ounces multiply by 33.81
fluid ouncesto liters multiply by 0.02957

metric tonsto U.S. tons multiply by 1.102
U.S. tonsto metric tons multiply by 0.9074
kilogramsto pounds multiply by 2.2046
poundsto kilograms multiply by 0.4536
gramsto ounces multiply by 0.035
ouncesto grams multiply by 28.6
milligramsto grains multiply by 0.015
grainsto milligrams multiply by 67
newtonsto pounds multiply by 0.2248
poundsto newtons multiply by 4.448

inches of mercuryto kilopascals multiply by 3.386
kilopascalsto inches of mercury multiply by 0.2953

If you were looking for something here and didn't find it, let me know and I will add it for next time. tom@tomzap.com


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The Pacific Coast of Mexico www.tomzap.com Tom Penick:  tom@tomzap.com