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Highway 80 Travel Log Southbound

Highway 80 is the main route from Guadalajara to Melaque, Jalisco, and other points along the Costa Alegre. The log begins in Guadalajara on highway 54 (Adolfo Lopez Mateos) at the intersection with outer loop Anillo Periférico. Highway 80 begins at an intersection 36 km/22 miles south of Guadalajara.
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Kilometers/ Miles
Guadalajara 20°38'N 103°25'W
Elev. 1553m/5095'
36 km
(290 remaining)
22 miles
(178 remaining)
The route begins in the southeastern section of Guadalajara (Mexico's second largest city) at the intersection of highway 54 and Anillo Periférico. Within Guadalajara, highway 54 goes by the street name Adolfo Lopez Mateos. Anillo Periférico is an outer loop encircling Guadalajara. You will turn right at the junction of highway 80.
Junction Hwy 80
km 0
20°23'N 103°34'W
4 km
(254 remaining)
2 miles
(156 remaining)
Just 4km after leaving highway 54, you arrive at the town of Acatlán and a junction with old highway 54. Continue on highway 80.
km 13
20°25'N 103°35'W
Elev. 1427m/4681'
9 km
(250 remaining)
6 miles
(154 remaining)
Continue on highway 80 to Villa Corona, on the north shore of Lago de Atotonilco.
Villa Corona
km 13
20°25'N 103°41'W
Elev. 1326m/4350'
21 km
(241 remaining)
13 miles
(148 remaining)
km 34
20°23'N 103°49'W
Elev. 1432m/4698'
39 km
(220 remaining)
24 miles
(135 remaining)
A large nature preserve lies off to the right along this route.
km 73
20°10'N 104°07'W
Elev. 1280m/4199'
45 km
(181 remaining)
28 miles
(111 remaining)
Unión de Tula
km 118
19°57'N 104°16'W
Elev. 1285m/4216'
(136 remaining)
22 miles
(83 remaining)
Autlán de Navarro is one of the larger cities along the route with a population of about 80,000 and birthplace of the rock star Carlos Santana.
Autlan de Navarro
km 154
19°45'N 105°03'W
Elev. 1003m/3291'
61 km
(100 remaining)
38 miles
(61 remaining)
The first part of this route crosses the Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra de Manantlán, a large nature preserve encompassing a mountainous area mostly to the west of the highway.
La Huerta
km 215
19°29'N 104°39'W
Elev. 310m/1017'
39 km
(39 remaining)
24 miles
(24 remaining)
Highway 80 ends at highway 200, 1 km from Melaque. Melaque is located contiguous with the towns of San Patricio and Villa Obregon and only 2 miles from Barra de Navidad. Cuastecomate is about a mile away.
Melaque 19°14'N 104°42'W

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The Pacific Coast of Mexico www.tomzap.com Tom Penick:  tom@tomzap.com